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Lambda Operation

The LambdaOperation is one of the core operations part of the Dropl Package. It allows the developers to execute any custom code as an operation without having to create a new class that inherits from the Operation class. This is useful for simple operations that are one-off and do not need to be reused.


In essence, there are two types of LambdaOperations: a simple execute once type and an execute over time type. The execute over time type is self-explanatory and follows the general pattern and theme of the Dropl Package.

The need for the execute once type is more nuanced. By itself, it’s kind of useless and a simple function call would suffice. However, when the operation must be delayed or must be executed as a part of a chain of operations using the Sequence operation, then this type of operation starts to make more sense.

Execute Once

Here’s an example of a simple execute once LambdaOperation:

// heal the player after 5 seconds
var healPlayerOperation = new LambdaOperation(() => {
    playerHealth += 10;

// define the delay
healPlayerOperation.Delay = 5f;

// add the operation to the default executer

Execute Over Time

Here’s an example of a simple execution over time LambdaOperation:

// heal the player over 5 seconds
float startHealth = playerHealth;
var healPlayerOperation = new LambdaOperation(duration: 5f, lambda: (float progress) => {
    playerHealth = startHealth + 10 * progress;

// add the operation to the default executer

Optionally, you can also specify the Easing method to use for the lambda operations in the constructor. If you do not specify an easing method, then the default easing method, Linear, will be used.

// heal the player over 5 seconds using the EaseInCubic easing method
float startHealth = playerHealth;
var healPlayerOperation = new LambdaOperation(duration: 5f, easing: Easing.EaseInCubic, lambda: (float progress) => {
    playerHealth = startHealth + 10 * progress;

// add the operation to the default executer